Housing LIN Newsletter February 2012
Welcome to the February edition of Housing with Care Matters. Featuring all that is new in housing, care and support, it is essential reading for anyone engaged in planning, designing, commissioning and delivering services for older and vulnerable people.
In particular, this issue covers the following:
- Policy : we take a look at latest policy and practice in relation to housing strategy for older people, public health outcomes, and integrating health and care and telecare initiatives.
- Funding: we identify 'windfall' capital available for reablement, DFGs and considers the proposed DWP changes on HB and SMI (please note that the enews was written prior to the Government overturning Peers' amendments to the Welfare Reform Bill)
- Scheme opening: we showcase the new DH funded extra care scheme on the Wirral
- Competition: we draw your attention to the 2012 Housing Design Award (deadline 1 March 2012)
- New Housing LIN products: we recommend the SHOP resources and reading our new viewpoints (on streamlining accessible housing and on mutual support)
- Other useful publications: we cover a number of other influential reports, such as the benefits of information and advice from EAC/FirstStop; handyperson services from DCLG; equity release from JRF and housing design from the HCA
- Research and information: we promote calls for examples of practice to support research and calls on end of life care, cost benefit of extra care and links between housing and health, and
- Get involved with the Housing LIN: we provide dates of forthcoming Housing LIN meetings where you can learn more about innovation and good practice in your region.
Full of interesting material, we aim to keep you up-to-date with all that's happening at the interface of housing, health and social care. Stay networked with the Housing LIN