Housing LIN Newsletter February 2013
In this issue, we cover the latest policy, funding and practice developments relevant to housing with care and housing related support for older people and those with long term conditions. In particular, can we draw your attend to a selection of new Housing LIN publications that we are issuing to coincide with this newsletter. They include:
- five new case studies: from extra care housing strategic development in Hampshire to age-friendly approaches in Wythenshawe in Manchester; from resident accountability to support governance in a major housing association to telecare service in Wakefield, and a study on sheltered housing residents' aspirations in Finland;
- three new viewpoints: from what's the care in extra care? to building a sense of community and, in partnership with HACT on community-led and self-build housing for older people; and
- to coincide with becoming a member of the Dementia Action Alliance, a new report with ADASS on housing and dementia
At the time of going to press, The Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, announced the government's response to the Dilnot Commission. This can be viewed at: www.dh.gov.uk/health/2013/02/funding-socialcare/ (opens new window)
And finally, we bring you the latest updates on a range of other new reports and resources on health, social care, dementia and telecare, along with a round-up of what's happening in our regional networks, future meetings and partner events.
Network with us for the latest news, views and comments, and find out where you and your colleagues can get involved with the Housing LIN. You can also now follow us at @HousingLIN.