Housing LIN Newsletter June 2012
It seems that our sector has never been busier! With housing and care for an ageing population recently in the media spotlight, a new APPG Inquiry into housing for older people that will be looking to put HAPPI on the map, significant reforms ahead that will shape future policy and practice, our June newsletter offers you the latest information and intelligence that can help you make a difference.
We specifically focus on:
- Angela Rippon's visit to Shore Green for the BBC One Show (front page)
- the new APPG Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry (p2)
- information on improvements to the Housing LIN website (p2)
- the winner of the Housing LIN category at the Housing for Older People awards (p3)
- the official opening of the DH funded Extra Care scheme in Aylesbury (p3)
- three new, cutting edge, viewpoints from the Housing LIN on:
- leadership challenges in the NHS and links with housing, 'Shaping the concrete before it sets'
- dementia friendly communities, 'Breaking new ground'
- developing effective partnerships to achieve market potential, 'A new lease for life'
- a range of excellent new resources under the broad themes of:
- Housing for Older People - by JRF, NPI, HACT, Orbit Charitable Trust, etc
- Health and Care - by NHF, One Housing Group, Demos etc
- Housing and Dementia - by Alzheimer's' Society, the Design Council etc
- the latest news from our Telecare LIN (p7)
- calls for information on Right to Transfer possibilities and the use of s106/CILs (p7)
- a comprehensive round-up of new developments from all our regions (p8), and
- details of our forthcoming regional meetings and other relevant events (p9)
And finally, many thanks for those of you who responded to our invitation to complete our on-line survey. We have had an overwhelming response with nearly 500 completions, an impressive return. 2 lucky members will shortly receive £50 Amazon vouchers. And many thanks to those of you who have indicated that we can contact you to follow up your responses and find out a little bit more about what your views on the Housing LIN. We will be doing this later this month and next so that we can get an up-to-date picture of what you really think.
Stay networked with the Housing LIN!