Housing LIN Newsletter June 2014
The June 2014 edition of 'Housing with Care Matters', the highly informative Housing LIN newsletter, is now out. Packed with the latest policy, funding and practice developments relevant to housing with care and housing related support for older people and those with long term conditions.
We would particularly like to highlight an extensive selection of new Housing LIN products. They include:
- the newly established Housing LIN Cymru web resources at: www.housinglin.org.uk/Wales
- my blog, 'Building up the community chest - or leaving it all to chance?
- two excellent new reports. The first, jointly published with ARCO, on mixed tenure and extra care housing and the second on how to improve marketing extra care housing to a more discerning older consumer
- four interesting case studies covering everything from putting dementia into the heart of extra care housing in Wales to looking at services that promote independent living in rural Cumbria, and the development of brokerage services in Essex to support housing options to an evaluation of the award winning Camborne Public Rooms, a housing scheme for over 55s in Cornwall
- three thought-provoking viewpoints exploring will the private sector extra care market take off?, the scope for bungalows to offer an attractive alternative for downsizers, and important issues around safeguarding and housing
We also draw attention to the new planning pages now available on the Housing LIN website. Developed with Tetlow King Planning, they provide extremely helpful insight into the world of planning and how to navigate around guidance, use class orders, s106 agreement and CIL/viability assessments. More at: www.housinglin.org.uk/Planning
And finally, we bring you the latest updates on a range of other new reports and resources on health, social care, dementia and telecare, along with a round-up of what's happening across our regions, future 'discovery visits' and partner training opportunities and events. If you have any items that you would like to draw to our attention or write up as a future Housing LIN resource, do email us at: info@housinglin.org.uk
Stay connected with us for the latest news, views and comments, and find out where you and your colleagues can get involved with the Housing LIN. You can also network with us on Twitter at @HousingLIN (opens new window)
We are grateful to Willmott Dixon for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters.