Housing LIN Newsletter May 2013
To coincide with our 2nd anniversary independent of the Department of Health, we are pleased to bring you a bumper edition of the Housing LIN newsletter, Housing with Care Matters. With news of legislation to go before Parliament, the push for integration and other essential policy and practice developments, we aim to keep our 40,000+ members up-to-date on issues affecting the housing, health and social care landscape and all that's new from the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN).
In this edition:
- we cover the latest policy and funding announcements, including an outline of the provisions in the Care Bill, the call for integrated care by 2018 and funding available from FirstStop to establish local housing information and advice services
- we draw attention to the fresh look Housing LIN homepage which now makes it easier to navigate the site and access our key learning and improvement features
- with thanks to Papworth Trust, we showcase our new online "Healthwatch'' resource which provides vital information on the links between housing and health
- we highlight a selection of new Housing LIN materials, including our new Funding Extra Care Housing Technical Brief, a joint report with NHF on housing and dementia and two case studies that focus on under-occupation
- we also provide details on a range of other new publications/resources on housing and older people, welfare reform, health and social care, dementia and telecare
- we invite you to contribute to our forthcoming discussion paper on care and support funding
- we showcase all that's happening across the Housing LIN regions, forthcoming network meetings/site visits, workshops and events, and
- back by popular demand, we include our poetry corner
We hope that you find the diversity of content of interest. We would also appreciate feedback what you think about our new look homepage and the "Healthwatch" section on our website.
We are grateful to Willmott Dixon for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters