Housing LIN Newsletter November 2011
Hot off the heels of the Government's housing strategy, Laying the Foundation: A Housing Strategy for England, this issue highlights the relevant components that will affect housing for older people - the 'grey deal'. There is also information on other related policy and funding developments which will be highly relevant to your line of work.
We also bring you news of latest resources from the Housing LIN. This includes a Viewpoint on Planning Use Classes and Extra Care Housing and another on the evidence base for housing's contribution to preventive care efficiencies. In addition, we have a new Case Study on the Safe at Home project in Devon. This specific example of a preventive service has developed through effective partnership working and resourcing by the County Council and NHS Devon.
And lastly, we highlight a number of new reports and resources that will be of interest to those of you:
- developing or delivering more personalised services
- wanting to better understand the health and social care world of JSNAs and Health and Wellbeing Boards
- seeking to transform services through the adoption of new and smart technologies, and
- making the link between health inequalities, energy efficiency and fuel poverty
Stay networked with us for the latest news, views and comments, and find out where you and your colleagues can get involved in our series of forthcoming regional meetings and events.