Housing LIN Newsletter Spring 2016

We are pleased to bring you the Spring edition of our quarterly newsletter, 'Housing with Care Matters' which includes:

  • Email Newsletter73 April 2016an update on our Annual Conference 'People Powered Change: A Festival of Ideas' which was held in London on 11th March
  • the latest policy and funding news relevant to those working across housing, health and social care (p2-3)
  • Market News affecting growth and investment in the world of housing with care, including Keepmoat's announcement of their first Retirement Community in Walton, Wakefield (p3-4)
  • a recent feature on the Housing LIN website which #InspirationalAchievements by our partners Quattro (p4)
  • a feature on EAC's sixth annual Housing for Older People Awards which were recently held in Manchester, and the widening of EAC's consultation on what makes for good housing for later life, in particular, seeking to access the views of staff and visitors in retirement housing (p4)
  • our range of new Housing LIN resources keeping you informed on the latest policy, practice and thinking. These include three Housing LIN Briefings supported by Public Health England that make the connection between health, public health and housing. Also recently published are a new viewpoint on meeting lifestyle aspirations of older consumers, and a couple of case studies on collaborative forms of housing for older people and taking on board the views of people living in extra care housing (p4-5)
  • a range of other new resources and research on housing and ageing, housing and adaptations, health and social care, housing and dementia (p6-8)
  • latest information on telecare including links to our Telecare LIN weekly updates and monthly newsletter, and a Housing LIN case study report on technology enabled housing with care,which sets out a series of scenarios to demonstrate the improved outcomes from incorporating technology into the housing solution for different individual circumstances. (p8)
  • Research News includes a research project asking 'Can people with dementia live well in extra care housing?' Other research news includesa Welsh Government commissioned independent assessment of extra care in Wales to help inform future investment decisions. (p9)
  • our extensive regional updates from England and Wales with reports on our latest activities, new reports and intelligence of who's doing what (p9-15)
  • links to our forthcoming Housing LIN events, and other events' supported by us (p15)
  • this issue's poem by Brian Wilks (p15)

And finally, we are also delighted that Centre for Ageing Better has become a sponsor of the Housing LIN. Anna Dixon, their Chief Executive, said:

Centre for ageing better logo_sml"Living in suitable housing, a neighbourhood designed to be age-friendly and a supportive community can improve health and wellbeing, help people to develop and maintain social connections and help people feel in control. The Housing LIN offers an excellent vehicle for us to share our work on enabling everyone to live in a home and neighbourhood that supports a good later life, and we look forward to working more closely with those involved in delivering frontline services."

Stay connected with us for the latest news, views and comments, and find out where you and your colleagues can get involved with the Housing LIN. You can also network with us on Twitter at @HousingLIN and @HousingLINews

Keepmoat logo emailWe are grateful to Keepmoat for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters