Housing LIN Summit 2021 - Session: Personalising home adaptations – Innovations in DFG funding to create safe and accessible, forever homes

Personalising home adaptations graphic

Sign up to attend this Housing LIN Summit 2021 - A Festival of Ideas session, 'Personalising home adaptations – Innovations in DFG funding to create safe and accessible, forever homes', on Thursday, 9 December 2021 at 10am.

With an opening statement by Jeremy Porteus, CEO at the Housing LIN, this session will be chaired by Ed Warner, CEO, Motionspot / Fine&Able. 

They will be joined by:

  • Kurt Horder, Disabled Facilities Grant Policy Lead, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

This session will look at the new guidance on DFG’s to help funding go further and give more ‘bang for the buck’. It will showcase inspiration on what is possible when adapting homes and provide insight from a homeowner on the experience and the benefits of home adaptations. Finally, it will highlight the benefits of personalised adaptations and the wider benefits on society and health & social care costs.

We are extremely grateful to all the sponsors who have made this year's Housing LIN Virtual Summit - A Festival of Ideas, possible. This session is supported by Associate sponsor, Motionspot (opens new window)