Housing LIN Summit 2021 - Session: Strengthening sector leadership: A call to action

Strengthening sector leadership: A call to action Graphic

Come along to this Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas session, 'Strengthening sector leadership: A call to action', on Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 3pm

This session will be chaired by Jeremy Porteus, CEO at the Housing LIN, who will be joined by:

  • Kate Henderson, CEO, National Housing Federation
  • Yvonne Castle, CEO, Johnnie Johnson Housing Trust
  • Sarah Mitton, Age Friendly Communities Manager, Clarion Futures, Clarion Group
  • Chris Smith, Executive Director of Business Growth, Thirteen Group
  • Paul Watson, Managing Director, Guinness Care

Drawing on the experiences of senior leaders and the launch of the 2nd cohort of the Housing LIN’s Future Leaders programme, this session will call for a greater display of sector leadership to ensure the voice of specialist and supported housing is heard.

We are extremely grateful to all the sponsors who have made this year's Housing LIN Virtual Summit - A Festival of Ideas, possible. This session is supported by Headline sponsor, Thirteen (opens new window)and Associate sponsor, Johnnie Johnson Housing (opens new window).