Housing LIN Summit 2021 - Session: The future of housing with care: every decision about care is a decision about housing

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Come along to this Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas session, 'The future of housing with care: every decision about care is a decision about housing', on Monday, 6 December 2021 at 3pm.

This session will be chaired by Jeremy Porteus, CEO at the Housing LIN, who will be joined by:

  • Stephen Chandler, President, ADASS
  • Kathryn Smith, CEO, Social Care Institute for Excellence
  • Profressor Jon Glasby, Director, IMPACT, University of Birmingham 

This session will look at the future of the housing with care market, consider the key policy drivers and draw on SCIE’s Commission on Housing with Care and latest service improvements to futureproof operational practice and the experiences of residents.

We are extremely grateful to all the sponsors who have made this year's Housing LIN Virtual Summit - A Festival of Ideas, possible. This session is supported by Headline sponsor, The Guinness Partnership (opens new window)