Housing LIN Vision 2020 conference off
Following the Prime Minister's advice on staying at home, restrictions of movement for non-essential purposes and curbs on social contact issued on Monday, 23 March 2020, we regret to inform you that Vision 2020, this week's annual conference in Manchester, has been postponed and all our upcoming regional events and the other engagement programmes organised by the Housing LIN cancelled. We are currently exploring ways in which we can operate a limited learning and improvement programme virtually. For external events posted on this webpage, please check with their organisers to check arrangements for rescheduling these.
We have also created a dedicated coronavirus Info Hub where you will find Housing LIN practice briefings and signposting to further guidance offering information on things to consider and what you must undetatke when planning your response to COVID-19 and managing specialist housing in these unprecedented times.
Follow us on Twitter at @HousingLINews (opens new window) and @HousingLIN (opens new window) or sign up here to receive our free weekly e-news, HLINks. This is published every Friday and contains latest sector's news on housing and care matters and will also list details of any alternative online arrangements we are able to organise.