Housing LIN a co-signatory to a HoME Coalition letter to the Deputy Prime Minister on accessible and adaptable housing

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As reported in Housing Today (opens new window) on 29 July 2024, the HoME Coalition have written to the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing demanding the publication of the technical consultation to make M4(2) 'accessible and adaptable' standard the minimum requirement for all new build homes and set a minimum target of 10% of new build homes to meet the M4(3) wheelchair user standard.

HoME Coalition’s letter coincides with the 2nd anniversary of the previous Government’s commitment to introduce these standards and the accessible housing day of action (opens new window) organised by Inclusion London.

In the two years since the announcement, Centre for Ageing Better analysis indicates that just 82,000 accessible and adaptable homes have been built based on industry average that only one in four new build homes have a minimum level of accessibility. 

However, at the current rate, it would take 44 years to build sufficient homes to meet the existing needs of 1.8 million people in England who currently need an accessible or adaptable home - never mind the growing number of people over that time period who would come to require an accessible home.

The Housing LIN is a founding member of the HoME Coalition (opens new window). Co-chaired by the Centre for Ageing Better and Habinteg Housing Association, the Coalition campaigns for urgent action to tackle UK’s acute and growing shortage of accessible and adaptable homes.