Housing LIN launches new crowdfunding drive
Support us to amplify the story of specialist housing
We need your support to help bring 'Season 2' of the Housing LIN video series to life! We need to raise up to £60k by Friday, 30 August to make housing with care go viral.
Over the last two years, the Housing LIN has produced a series of highly-praised videos that put the Spotlight on Extra Care Housing. Collectively, ‘Series 1’ has now been viewed over 8,500 times and still increasing, also attracting a twitter following at #ECHvideos (opens new window).
We now want to raise our ambitions and build on the success of these videos to produce a new set of 9 films. Some of the key factors we think will shape this future include:
- When Should I Move? Rightsizing in later life
- Co-living and community-led housing projects
- DesignAge: design innovation in products and adaptations
- Homes for all ages: intergenerational living
- Renabling lives: the role of occupational therapists
- Urban planning and healthy neighbourhoods
- Addressing the needs of rural communities (as highlighted in HAPPI4)
- Specialist developments for groups including BME communities and LGBTQ+ individuals
- Transforming independent living, better provision for people with learning disabilities
How You Can Help Us
We are now looking for up to 12 crowdfunders. Is your organisation able to contribute a minimum of £5k plus VAT each to fund these videos? If so, please email Jeremy Porteus at info@housinglin.org.uk, so that we can get in touch with you to discuss our plans in greater detail, and also find out what assistance you can offer.
We look to your support in helping us to meet our goals. With thanks for your consideration.