The Housing LIN launches second video in our 'Spotlight on Extra Care Housing' series
We are delighted to present the second film in the Housing LIN's 'Spotlight on Extra Care' series - Living with Dementia in Extra Care, to coincide with Dementia Action week (#DAW2018).
The film draws on the personal stories of Extra Care residents living with dementia, and their partners, including Shelagh Robinson, a passionate and eloquent speaker on dementia-related issues living at Housing & Care 21's Lea Court in Crewe.
We also hear from professionals and practitioners on the ways in which an Extra Care Housing setting can improve the quality of life of both people living with dementia and their carers, and can even help manage the condition.
"This isn't an illness you look at, this is a person that is still very much the same person... I'm not my diagnosis!" - Shelagh Robinson, resident at Lea Court, Crewe
Finally, the film explores strategies for maximising the potential of this type of housing in view of an increase in dementia diagnoses, and reminds us of the importance of respecting the individuality and autonomy of the person in any decision making.
With thanks to director and producer Chris Powell, as well as: Appello, Arco, Care & Support England, Housing & Care 21, Optivo & West Kent Housing Association who have all greatly helped in the production of these videos.
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View our other Extra Care Housing videos