Housing LIN welcomes the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act


The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act is a Private Members’ Bill proposed by Bob Blackman MP which aims to tackle problematic exempt accommodation by setting a framework for new systems for the supported housing and older person’s housing sector. 

The Act will introduce new systems for:

  • Licensing by local authorities.
  • Standards for support.
  • Obligations on local authorities to develop strategic supported housing plans quantifying existing supply and local need.

Ian Copeman, Business Director at Housing LIN, said:

“We welcome the Supported Housing Act. It will strengthen the supported housing sector, recognise the high quality services that the majority of supported housing providers already deliver and provide local authorities with powers to prevent inappropriate or non commissioned development. We look forward to continuing to work with local authorities to undertake assessments of need for supported housing and to develop supported housing strategies, both of which are now required of local authorities as part of the Supported Housing Act, as well as assisting supported housing providers to prepare for the new regulatory system.”

If you would like to find out more about how the Housing LIN can provide you with bespoke support, please email us at: info@housinglin.org.uk or look at our consultancy page.