Housing and Ageing Alliance Chair responds to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce report

Mario Ambrosi 2023 3165-0753crop

Mario Ambrosi, Director of Communications and Marketing at Anchor and Housing and Ageing Alliance (HAA) Chair writes:

Pleased to share an initial response, as Housing and Ageing Alliance Chair, on the Older People’s Housing Taskforce report.
Publication of the taskforce's report is a hugely important step forward in addressing the urgent need for more appropriate housing for our ageing society. Housing and Ageing Alliance members worked closely with the taskforce and it is very welcome that many of our asks are reflected.

Having a target of 10% of delivery through the Affordable Homes Programme for older people’s housing could make a real difference for the many thousands of people who would like to move but are unable to do so because of a lack of options. So too could the focus on ensuring planning guidance encourages delivery.

We were also pleased to see the emphasis in the report on the need for information, advice and advocacy around housing and care options in later life.

While the taskforce’s focus was on increasing supply of dedicated homes for a segment of older people, it is good to also see the recognition that this is an important but by no means the only solution for our ageing society. Investment is also needed to maintain existing socially rented specialist housing and to support the many older people who wish to remain in mainstream homes for as long as possible.

It is now crucial the recommendations are implemented quickly and that government engages more widely and with older people themselves to ensure the needs of everyone, including all older people, are reflected in its housing strategy.

The HAA is made up of individuals from local and national organisations working together with a single objective; to bring about improvements to the housing and living conditions of older people. HAA members include representatives from the Centre for Ageing Better, Age UK, the Chartered Institute of Housing, National Housing Federation, Associated Retirement Community Operators and specialist providers in both the social and private markets.

Membership reflects a range of housing interests, including older people who are active in housing related networks, national organisations from the statutory, voluntary and private sectors and those involved in policy development and representation on various housing related advisory bodies.