Improving health and wellbeing through a High Impact Change Model (HICM)

A high impact change model cover

Developed by the Housing LIN, this high impact change model encourages local partners to integrate housing delivery with local health and care commissioning and service provision.

This document is for system leaders and staff from across local government, the NHS, the housing sector, and voluntary and community groups, and people receiving services all have a part to play in working together to improve the range of housing options, adaptations, and services available for people with health and care needs.

The model focuses on two goals:

  1. Improving population health through good quality housing
  2. Supporting people to live independently in the community

Hannah Donnelly, Adviser, Integration and System Transformation at LGA, comments:   

“The importance of addressing housing need within an integrated health and care system continues to grow, with an increasing body of evidence showing the disparity in health and care outcomes for people with poor housing, and growing demand for housing-related services including adaptations and tech-enabled devices. This new guidance, developed with the LGA and Housing LIN provides practical advice and support to system partners - including health, social care and housing colleagues - to work together to embed transformational change in this area to improve the lives of older people and other people with care/support needs”.

Ian Copeman, Business Director at the Housing LIN, comments:

“We are delighted to have worked with colleagues at the Local Government Association to produce this timely guidance that supports local care, health, and housing partners to work together to deliver the range of housing that is most effective in enabling older people and other people with health and care needs to live independently.

We know this is important because housing is an important determinant of health; substandard housing is a cause of health inequalities. Ensuring people have decent housing can help to delay or reduce a person's need for health and care services in the future and help them retain their independence, health and wellbeing for longer. We look forward to working with and supporting housing, health and social care colleagues to put this guidance into practice.”

In association with LGA, Thursday’s HAPPI Hour session will take a detailed look at the recent 'Housing our ageing population' report. Commissioned by the LGA, this Housing LIN report makes recommendations to government on how we can best meet the housing needs of people in later life, with relevant case studies demonstrating good practice by councils in addressing the challenge of an ageing population.