Inclusive, accessible homes are a must for everyone

Accessible Design webpage

To coincide #AccessibleHomesWeek, we would like to draw you attention to a wide range of resources hosted on the Housing LIN’s Accessible Design webpages that show how good design can maintain health and wellbeing and help people adapt to changes that may be due to aging or other factors.

Designing for the future, now!

In this Housing LIN guest blog, Ed Warner, Founder and CEO at Motionspot and Paula Broadbent, Managing Director at Lovell Later Living, reflect on the importance behind transforming spaces and lives through beautifully designed, accessible environments and products and why sectors changes are needed now to ensure that the demands of today are met tomorrow and so forth.

Government launch the National Disability Strategy

The National Disability Strategy sets out the actions the government will take to improve the everyday lives of all disabled people, including specific mention to policies and funding to improve the accessibility of new homes and adaptability of existing housing, and use of assistive technology.

Housing Associations and Home Adaptations: Finding ways to say yes

This report, published by Foundations and produced in partnership with Habinteg and Anchor Hanover with support from Taylor Wimpey, follows the publication of the Independent Review of DFG in 2018 and provides guidance on delivering better home adaptations in social housing.

Habinteg also shares a collection of #ForAccessibleHome blogs, including:

Could you benefit from our Inclusive Housing Design Consultancy service? Building on the Housing LIN’s learning and improvement ethos, we offer bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages. To find out how the Housing LIN can support your operational and/or strategic plans, please contact us at or visit our consultancy pages.