Intergenerational Week 2020
This week, along with over 100 other organisations, we’ll be celebrating the first ever National Intergenerational Week, organised by South West Housing LIN member St Monica Trust.
Throughout the week we’ll be highlighting some key resources which focus on Intergenerational Living, including a new guest Housing LIN blog from Eleanor McCallum at Pozzoni Architecture. These can all be found on our dedicated webpage. Here you can find a selection of useful viewpoints, reports, toolkits and guides on intergenerational housing curated by the Housing LIN.
During this unprecedented time, with the outbreak of Covid-19 restricting many of us of all ages to our homes, we’ll also be highlighting some key resources on reducing social isolation, and opening up discussion on how these methods can be adapted to continue conversations across the generations.
Join us over on twitter following the hashtag #IntergenerationalWeek (opens new window)and our handles @HousingLINews (opens new window) and @HousingLIN (opens new window).