Just launched, ‘Living well at home: Housing and dementia in Scotland’

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The National Housing and Dementia Forum launched their final report yesterday Living well at home: Housing and dementia in Scotland making recommendations on changes needed to improve housing outcomes for people living with dementia.

Jill Pritchard, Coordinator at Housing LIN Scotland, commented: 

"Proud to have been involved in the group who worked on the development of this report and look forward to seeing positive action to turn the recommendations into reality across Housing, Health, Social Care, Scottish Government and the 3rd Sector. Particularly impressed with the approach to the work with SG supporting joint group chairs from CIH & Stirling Universities Dementia Services Development Centre with lots of input from People living with dementia & their families & carers."

Drawing on the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People findings, this report advocates the importance of initiating conversations about housing much earlier, tackling the stigma around ageing and ensuring housing and health & social care partners work closely to guarantee the best outcomes for people living with dementia, their families, and carers.

If you would like to find out more, the Charted Institute of Housing is also hosting a free online event next week (opens new window) where they will explore the report and recommendations.