King’s Speech sets out an ambitious Parliamentary programme

Commenting on the King's Speech, Jeremy Portues, CEO of Housing LIN, said:

Today’s King’s Speech has set out the new Labour Government’s policy and legislative priorities for this Parliament. They contain areas that will also be relevant to the housing and housing building sector.

Recognised as a key economic driver for growth, housebuilding is a core strand of the King’s Speech, including a new Bill to make changes to the planning system to aid the delivery of the new government’s pledge to deliver high quality infrastructure and housing. 

There will also be better protection for renters along with commonhold/leasehold reform. And on wider care reform, the incoming Labour government will focus on Mental Health, as well as pointing to more preventative health measures, including public health.

While the inclusion of housing and planning to boost the supply of homes are welcome, there is no immediate reference to reform of adult social care or measures to reform Building Regulations, age-friendly homes or specialist accommodation for older people or people with disabilities. 

However, the King’s Speech ends with giving the government flexibility to introduce other Bills. And, with the public purse in mind, we look forward to engaging with the new government and demonstrating how planning, designing and constructing homes that are accessible, adaptable, care-ready and technology-enabled can benefit individuals and deliver wider health and care system benefits.