LINks Wales Special w/c 10 August
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we look at a range of policy and practice developments exclusively from Wales
Delivering SHOP@ to Housing LIN Cymru
SHOP@ has been extended to cover all 22 Welsh authorities. The analysis tool which projects future housing and care needs for older people across all tenures and purpose-built dwelling types is available free to all registered users of the Housing LIN website.
Developed by the Housing LIN and EAC (Elderly Accommodation Counsel), SHOP@ Wales allows councils, health authorities and developers to understand future care and housing needs and prioritise areas for development to maximise use of scare resources and reduce development risk. Latest statistics released by the Welsh Government shows a total of 2,005 units of extra care housing in Wales. Using the 'More Choice, Greater Voice' projected prevalence rates SHOP@ Wales predicts the need for 10,500 units by 2030.
SHOP@ Wales utilises the accurate and regularly updated EAC accommodation database to establish current service provision. It then uses agreed national benchmarks to project future demand based on national assumptions. Crucially SHOP@ Wales allows these national benchmarks to be reviewed and revised based on local commissioning strategies, asset management plans and current service provision.
SHOP@ has proved in England that it can be of great assistance in writing Market Position Statements, Strategic Housing Assessments and influencing key strategic planning documents and investment decisions. Now all 22 Welsh Authorities can access the same data and reports that support effective future planning and care for older people.
To try SHOP@ Wales for free go to:
Full instructions are available on the website. All Welsh authorities appear under 'W' > 'Wales' on the initial pop-up screen.
SHOP@ also offers more detailed consultancy advice which allows more detailed review below authority to community level. It allows different scenarios to be tested against commissioning strategies. For further advice and information or consultancy support, please contact:
New Housing LIN Blog - Extra care housing: It may just be part of something bigger in Wales
Stewart Greenwell's blog for the Housing LIN provides an overview of the roundtable discussions on extra care housing for older people in Wales that Practice Solutions convened on 10th July 2015, chaired by David Brindle of The Guardian. It provides an account that meeting which considered the proposition that extra care housing in Wales, as a concept and a provision, is still relatively underdeveloped. Read at:
Welsh Government Housing Statistics
The annual survey of housing stock in Wales was published last week and reveals that, in relation to specialist housing for older people, there are a total of 26,965 units of sheltered housing for older people in Wales (down 0.85%) and 2,005 units of extra care housing (up 11%). View details and the updated Housing LIN table at:
In addition, the Housing LIN has published a detailed table by local authority area which can be downloaded at:
Homes for Wales Bulletin - July 2015
The latest edition of the Welsh Government's Homes for Wales Bulletin is now available, highlighting some of the key legislative and funding initiatives in Wales. Readers in England may be interested to find out the intention to prepare new legislation to end the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire to protect Wales' social housing stock. Download from:
Health Assets Reporting Tool in Wales
The Public Health Wales Observatory has developed an online health assets reporting tool that presents health asset indicators covering a range of useful topics across three domains to support the health and wellbeing of local populations in Wales, including reference to housing and the built environment. Access at:
Supporting people living with dementia in Powys
Within Powys there are approximately 2,400 people living with dementia, and, because of its ageing population, this figure is set to rise to 44% within the next 8 years. The Welsh Local Government Association highlight a case study and film on the dementia-friendly approached adopted in Brecon. Find at:
Upcoming reports
The Housing LIN has commissioned IPC at Oxford Brookes University to undertake a 'State of the Nation' report on extra care housing for the Welsh Government. Following expert interviews and stakeholder workshop held over the summer, we aim to publish this autumn.
Coupled with this, the Welsh Government have also commissioned the Public Policy Institute for Wales to provide advice on what the Welsh Government can do to ensure that housing provision for older people meets the needs of an ageing population more generally. This is expected to be published shortly and we look forward to promoting it on our dedicated Housing LIN Cymru pages at:
Enter the Promoting Independence Awards in Wales
Do you provide high quality services that make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable people? Do you work with some fantastic people who deserve to have their efforts publicly recognised and acknowledged? The Cymorth Cymru 'Promoting Independence Awards' (PIAs) recognise excellence in the homelessness, support and social care sectors, and offer a real opportunity to shout about the great work you are doing to support vulnerable and marginalised people in Wales. There are 10 PIA awards, including 2 specific categories: 'Commissioning Excellence' and 'Service Innovation'. The deadline for entry into this year's PIA awards 5pm on Friday 2 October 2015. More at:
And finally...
Did you know that, according to a recent Prudential report, Powys, Conwy and Monmouthshire are ranked among the top places in the UK for a healthy, safe and happy retirement in England and Wales.
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.