LINks - latest Housing LIN bulletin (w/c 9 March 2015)
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following
New Technical Brief: Key legal and regulatory areas applicable to land acquisition, development and operation of retirement communities
This new Technical Brief prepared by Trowers & Hamlin (solicitors) for the Association of Retirement Community Operators, supported by the Housing LIN, is designed to provide an initial starting point for retirement community operators in understanding the main areas of law which apply to the land acquisition, development and operation of those communities. Find at:
New Housing LIN blog -The challenge of a generation
Written by Matthew Fox, former Chief Executive of Viridian Housing Association,this blog claims that social landlords have in general failed to recognise what a massive strategic issue and ageing population is for their organisations. Given that one third of all housing association residents are already over the age of 65, this is not an issue that can only be left to the few associations that specialise in older people's housing, at a minimum, every social landlord needs to engage with the age agenda.
Read at:
Excess winter deaths and morbidity and the health risks associated with cold homes
This guideline from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is for commissioners, managers and health, social care and voluntary sector practitioners who deal with vulnerable people who may have health problems caused, or exacerbated, by living in a cold home. It makes a number of recommendations on how to reduce risk of death ad ill health associated with living in a cold home so that excess winter deaths can be prevented, the health & wellbeing of vulnerable people improved, fuel poverty and energy efficiency alleviated and the pressures on health and social services reduced.
View at:
Briefing for the housing support sector - The Care Act 2014 and its Statutory Guidance
Foundations has produced a useful briefing which aims to unpack the Care Act Guidance to the housing support sector. This briefing provides a summary of the Care Act and its attendant statutory guidance for the Home Improvement Agency sector in England.
For other helpful resources on housing and the Care Act 2014, check out our dedicated page at:
Getting Better Outcomes for Older People using personal budgets
This new report by TLAP brings together the latest information about personal budgets for older people, including the work in Gateshead Council piloting the introduction of Individual Service Funds in its extra care housing schemes working in conjunction with their contracted housing provider. Download from:
Forthcoming Housing LIN regional meetings
- 25/03/2015 - South East Regional Housing LIN meeting, Basingstoke (registration now open - see link below)
- 15/04/2015 - North East Regional Housing LIN meeting, Middlesbrough (save the date, registrations opening soon)
- 30/04/2015 - North West Regional Housing LIN meeting, Stockport (save the date, registrations opening soon)
More information and bookings are available at: