LINks - latest Housing LIN weekly bulletin (w/c 23 March 2015)
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
Mayor's Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund
The Mayor of London's prospectus for phase 2 of the Department of Health's capital fund was launched on 24 March 2015. The £40million fund aims to stimulate the private market and encourage private developers to supply additional options for older persons and disabled adults. These will be available to existing homeowners who may wish to down size into more appropriate housing that better meets their needs in later life, whilst still representing good value for money. In addition, it looks to encourage the development of homes for those who may wish to purchase a specialised home that better suits their physical disability or mental health needs. Deadlines for bids is 30 June 2015. More at:
Better care, better lives: A personal perspective on integrating housing, care and health
Written by Hannah Miller, recently retired as Executive Director of Adult Services, Health and Housing at LB Croydon, this new Housing LIN blog captures the presentation she gave at this month's All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People on the need for a greater emphasis locally on integrating housing with health and social care. Read at
The cost of poor housing to the NHS
This briefing from the Building Research Establishment has calculated that the annual cost of poor housing to the NHS is at least £1.4bn. This is more than double the £600m estimate in their 2010 report. It provides a strong case for achieving significant public health gains through focusing on the most cost-effective improvements to the homes of the most vulnerable people and indicates that the health impact of poor quality housing is on a par with smoking. The hazards of cold homes and falls are identified as those which have the greatest impact on NHS costs, whilst reducing falls hazards has the fastest payback because of the relatively low remedial cost. More at:
Building Sustainable Homes
This report from the JRF looks at the opportunities and constraints for building sustainable homes. It highlights the organisational and structural constraints that prevent significant changes in the number and sustainability of homes - and whether these can be overcome. Of interest to Housing LIN members, it finds:
- Over four in five RSLs and over half of private developers usually or always built to Building for Life standards, and two-thirds of Registered Providers (housing associations) but less than one in five private developers usually or always building beyond minimum accessibility standards.
- building regulations need to include a single 'as built' performance standard for energy-efficient building, with Local authorities needing to ensure that allowable solutions are used effectively, and in promoting sustainable places; and
- investment in training and skills is needed to meet skills shortages at all levels, from housing design to construction.
Read in full at:
And if you found this of interest, check out the dedicated 'design hub' pages on the Housing LIN website at:
Making the case - for integrated, impartial information and advice about housing, care and related finance for older people
This new report from the leading national organisations which provided such information and advice, and endorsed by the ADASS Housing Policy Network, makes the case for the delivery of independent information and advice for older people which brings together housing and care options and related financial advice.
It sets out how integrated housing, care and financial advice can can enable local authorities to meet their new duties and requirements under the Care Act and includes model clauses for commissioners. It also shows how integrated information and advice provision meets specific adult social care, NHS and public health outcomes framework measures. It highlights not only the cost benefits but as importantly, the benefits to older people themselves. More at:
For further information contact Dave Eldridge at:
Forthcoming Housing LIN regional meetings
- 30/04/2015 - North West Regional Housing LIN meeting, Stockport (more details to follow soon - registrations now open under the link below)
Other events supported by the Housing LIN
Dementia Leaders in Housing course - Bradford
'Action based learning to support excellence in person centred services for people living with dementia'
Sitra, the Association of Dementia Studies (ADS), at the University of Worcester, and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) have come together in a learning partnership to deliver an innovative dementia leaders programme specifically for the housing sector. More info and bookings at:
Northern Housing Consortium Older persons' workshops - Leeds
The NHC is running two half-day seminars supported by the Housing LIN on 28th April. The morning session will focus on commissioning and funding care and support services in extra care housing, and the afternoon workshop will focus on rethinking support services for older people - from grant cuts to market opportunity. More info at:
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.