LINks - this week's Housing LIN bulletin (w/c 14 September)
Welcome to LINks the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
New Housing LIN Case study - Sensitive hospice design: A holistic end of life caring environment
This case study by Olivia Kirk, KKE Architects, provides an overview of the award winning design characteristics that formed the brief to convert The Mary Stevens Hospice in Stourbridge into a contemporary building. This conversion provides a holistic setting for people living with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, staff and the wider community.
Find at:
New Housing LIN Blog - Why social care should care about housing
This blog written by Jeremy Porteus of the Housing LIN, considers with a need to save money, integrate services and ensure people are properly supported, how can care services work with local government housing teams and specialist housing providers to offer more flexibility and choice within existing stock?
Read at:
Care of the Dying Adult - Draft consultation on NICE
This draft consultation from NICE's national clinical guidance centre provides an evidence-based set of recommendations for clinical care of the dying adult, throughout the NHS. It is focused on the care needed when a person is judged by the multi-professional clinical team to be within a few days of death, including those who wish to receive end of life care at home.
Dementia without Walls
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JEF) have published five new resources with a focus on dementia from their 'Dementia without Walls' programme.
They include:
Evaluation of the Bradford Dementia Friendly Communities Programme
This evaluation of the Bradford Dementia Friendly Communities Programme by the JRF was carried out to help determine how the development of and support for dementia friendly communities can be enhanced to inform future work and share learning with other organisations?
Find at:
Evaluation of the York Dementia Friendly Communities Programme
This report from the JRF assesses UK and international evidence on local approaches linking people in poverty to jobs. Themes examined include information, advice and guidance; training and skills; employer engagement; financial services; and support services/enablers.
How can we make our cities dementia friendly? Sharing the learning from Bradford and York
Dementia friendly communities (DFCs) aim to be accessible, inclusive, welcoming and supportive to those affected by dementia, enabling them to contribute to, and participate in, mainstream society. More than 80 places across the UK are now working towards becoming more dementia friendly, with similar movements gaining ground overseas. This paper by the JRF contributes to the emerging evidence base by drawing out the key messages from independent evaluations of their DFC programmes in Bradford and York.
On the journey to becoming a dementia friendly organisation - sharing the learning for employers and organisations
This paper from the JRF highlights that a lack of understanding or confidence can prevent organisations and employers from responding positively to people affected by dementia. Organisations that are dementia friendly recognise and address the impact of dementia on staff and their families. The learning shared in this paper draws on an independent evaluation of JRF and the Housing Trust's work to become a dementia friendly organisation.
Developing a national user movement of people with dementia - learning from the dementia engagement and empowerment project
This paper from the JRF points out that while the voices of people with dementia are increasingly heard, the user movement is still in its infancy. By connecting local groups and individual activists through a national network, the dementia engagement and empowerment project or DEEP, that engages and empowers people with dementia, people are beginning to work together to set priorities about dementia and to shape political agendas. It describes the growth of DEEP and follows 24 local groups over the last three years (2012-2015), which has seen the network now grow to over 50 groups across the country.
Investment in Care Homes
This report by the British Property Federation outlines that as the number of elderly people with high care needs in the UK is expected to increase significantly over the next 20 years, there will be a growing need for modern, fit-for-purpose care homes. It suggest that the sector remains buoyant as occupancy levels have remained stable over the past five years, and new interest in the healthcare real estate sector means it remains a stable asset class for private investors and corporate funding.
Commissioning for better outcomes: developing national standards
This Commissioning case study by the Commissioning Academy, DH, DCLG and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services outlines a framework of standards for Local Authorities and their partners on how they can improve commissioning practice in order to deliver better outcomes for people requiring social care. With reference to the Care Act and the Better Care Fund, it is intended to help those using the standards to shape local development plan, against which progress can be evaluated, development needs identified, and actions planned.
View at: (opens new window)
This week's news headlines from the Telecare LIN can be downloaded in two formats (doc; pdf) at:
Telecare News Headlines: 17 September 2015 (doc - 138Kb) (opens new window)
Telecare News Headlines: 17 September 2015 (pdf - 407Kb) (opens new window)
For info about last week's headlines, visit:
Telecare News Headlines: 10 September 2015 (opens new window)
This week is Gas Safety Week
Foundation Independent Living Trust (FILT) report that the 5th annual gas safety week will see organisations across the UK working to together to raise awareness of the dangers of poorly maintained gas appliances, which cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning. FILT have also received funding from the Independent Gas Safety Charity to provide help households through key work such as checks, servicing and repairs to boilers, pipework and gas fires and to enable older and vulnerable people manage at home.
More at: (opens new window)
Forthcoming Housing LIN events/meetings
Please note that we are currently planning a series of free regional events and meetings, as follows:
- South & South West Housing LIN annual conference on Tuesday, 20 October in Bristol
- West Midlands Housing LIN meeting on Tuesday, 27 October in Bourneville, Birmingham
- North West Housing LIN annual conference on Tuesday, 3 November in Warrington
- North East Housing LIN annual conference on Wednesday, 11 November in Durham
- Eastern Housing LIN regional meeting on Thursday, 12 November in Chelmsford
- London Housing LIN regional meeting on Friday, 4 December in Islington
If you are not already registered to receive notifications about our events and meetings in your region, create your own Housing LIN account by logging at: (opens new window)
Other Events (supported by the Housing LIN)
Law Commission consultation events - Deprivation of Liberty: What Does This Mean for Housing?
To assist housing providers, the Housing LIN, Sitra, National Housing Federation and Arco have joined together to arrange two events at which the Law Commission will outline their proposals and give providers an opportunity to share their views. The first is in London on Monday, 21st September 2015 and the second in Manchester on Tuesday, 22nd September 2015.
More details at (opens new window)
Capita Sheltered Housing Conference
As housing providers and commissioners adapt to a changing funding landscape, new roles and responsibilities under the Care Act and an increasingly ageing population, this well-timed event (supported by the Housing LIN) on Wednesday, 30 September in London, will equip you with tools to overcome the challenges of delivering affordable and high quality housing to a diverse older population.
View registration arrangements at: (opens new window)
Bringing together health and housing - enabling better health and wellbeing
Aimed at health, housing and social care professionals, this King's Fund conference is being held on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 in London. It will feature a selection of examples of joint working between housing and health and care services, that are showing real successes in improving health and wellbeing outcomes for their populations.
More info at: (opens new window)
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.