LINks - this week's Housing LIN bulletin (w/c 28 September)
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) appropriately falls on International Older People's Day. Tweet #OlderPeoplesDay. We are pleased to notify you of a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
Housing for Older People in Wales: An Evidence Review
This report and accompany recommendations from the Public Policy Institute for Wales, commissioned by the Welsh Government, sets the scene for discussion on how the housing needs of an ageing population in Wales can be met. It provides a background to the current and projected demographic profile of the population in Wales (including limited information on housing tenure), thus providing an important insight for planning ahead.
In addition, this document details the current policy and funding context for housing in Wales, as well as the building and planning regulations. The perspectives of older people and the accommodation options currently available for them in Wales are also discussed. Finally, this document considers the bigger picture, drawing on cross-sector perspectives on the importance of an integrated approach towards managing the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population in Wales. Download both documents at:
And to coincide with this week's PPIW, the Housing LIN published two new blogs. They are:
New Housing LIN blog - Preparation and flair could bridge older people's housing gap in Wales
This blog by Jeremy Porteus from the Housing LIN was published by the Public Policy Institute for Wales to coincide with the launch of their evidence review (see above item). Jeremy calls for an improved information and advice services for older people in Wales and makes the case that appropriate housing for older people can also play a significant role in reducing demand for health services and expediting rapid discharge home of older patients. Download at:
New Housing LIN blog - Extra Care Housing in Wales: A Flexible and Appealing Alternative
This blog for the Housing LIN, written by Sarah Rochira, Older People's Commissioner for Wales, explains why the move towards providing more extra care housing for older people in Wales is such a positive step forward. Read at:
The Welsh planning system needs to be more pro-active and forward-looking to encourage the provision of new housing for older people
Gary Day, Group Land & Planning Director for McCarthy and Stone, and contributor to PPIW's evidence review expert workshop, offers his view at:
Right to Buy - a new deal?
Following the Chancellor's surprise budget announcement that the right to buy (RTB) is to be extended to all housing association tenants, the National Housing Federation have been negotiating with government over the proposals. In relation to housing with care, it has been reported that housing associations would have the discretion not to sell in some cases. For instance, where the property is in a rural area and could not be replaced, or where it is adapted for special needs tenants. In such cases, the deal proposes allowing housing associations would offer tenants the choice to use their RTB discount to buy an alternative home from either their own or another housing association's stock. We await further details in this month's Housing Bill.
People, places and possibilities: Progress on Local Area Coordination in England and Wales
This report by the Local Area Coordination Network looks at the progress made in implementing local area coordination in England and Wales between 2012 and 2015. Read at:
Understanding the Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland
This report from the Scottish Government follows research undertaken to better understand the housing aspirations of people in Scotland. With regard to ageing, it found that people envisaged their housing needs, and in turn their preferences, changing over time because of shifts in household size (both growing and declining), and a need for adaptations in older age, or because of an illness or disability. In addition, older households (65+, most of whom owned their property in the research sample) talked about downsizing not for a smaller property per se, but rather to have everything on the one level (e.g. bungalow or cottage type property).
Dementia friendly communities: Guidance for councils
This LGA report outlines the important role of councils in supporting people with dementia by creating local dementia friendly communities and demonstrates how councils are making this happen through case study examples.
7 points about the new Housing Standards 2015
This briefing by Habinteg explains the important policy changes to accessible housing standards across England that came into force on 1 October 2015. While the new accessibility standards will be included into the Building Regulations, there are concerns about adoption as the new government's new standards are optional. However, this briefing makes the case for an increase in accessible housing with an approach that acknowledges the benefits and savings available when building to higher access standards. Read at:
Telecare News Headlines
This week's news headlines from the Telecare LIN can be downloaded in two formats (doc; pdf) at:
- Telecare News Headlines: 1 October 2015 (doc - 131Kb)
- Telecare News Headlines: 1 October 2015 (pdf - 397Kb)
Forthcoming Housing LIN events/meetings
Please note that we are currently planning a series of free regional events and meetings, as follows:
- South & South West Housing LIN annual conference on Tuesday, 20 October in Bristol - Registrations now open!
- West Midlands Housing LIN meeting on Tuesday, 27 October in Bourneville, Birmingham - Just a few places left
- North West Housing LIN annual conference on Tuesday, 3 November in Warrington - Registrations now open!
- North East Housing LIN annual conference, 11 November
- Eastern Housing LIN regional meeting on Wednesday, 12 November in Chelmsford
- London Housing LIN regional meeting on Friday, 4 December in Islington
More information and registrations to attend these events can be found at:
Other Events (supported by the Housing LIN)
Housing, support and care via a skilled workforce; Skills for Care and Sitra.
Skills for Care, in partnership with Sitra, are holding 6 free events across England between October 2015 and January 2016 aimed at Housing with Care and Support employers. These workshops will focus on the critical role of housing in promoting wellbeing and how this can be delivered via a well trained workforce. You can book on to one of these events at: here.,0,0,0,0
Bringing together health and housing - enabling better health and wellbeing
Aimed at health, housing and social care professionals, this King's Fund conference is being held on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 in London. It will feature a selection of examples of joint working between housing and health and care services, that are showing real successes in improving health and wellbeing outcomes for their populations. More info at:
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.