Launch of first phase of Dementia 2020 Citizens' Engagement Programme
The Department of Health launched the first phase of their new Dementia 2020 Citizens' Engagement Programme. This programme, developed with people with dementia and carers, is an opportunity to hear first-hand from people with dementia, their families and carers if policies on improving dementia care and support are making a positive difference, where further improvements may be needed and to influence and improve the delivery of services and support at a local level.
The department has launched a national survey, developed by a number of organisations and with people with dementia and carers, to find out people's views and experiences of dementia. The survey focuses on the quality and experience of getting a diagnosis, the level of care and support received after a diagnosis and how aware and understanding of dementia people in local communities are. The survey is available at (opens new window) and will be open until 31 January 2017.
To support local dementia groups and networks right across England to get involved in the programme they have also launched an engagement toolkit (please see download at the bottom of the page). Finally, the Department is keen to ensure that all voices are heard, particularly those from diverse and seldom heard communities and with this in mind we will be organising bespoke discussion groups with these communities.
Please support the engagement programme by sharing and promoting it amongst your networks and groups. It is a really important opportunity to understand how it really feels for those we are all working so hard to support.