Levelling Up White Paper announces new Housing for Older People Task Force
The Housing LIN is pleased to see reference to a new Task Force on Housing for Older People, referenced in yesterday’s White Paper Levelling Up the United Kingdom. Along with ARCO and other sector leaders, we have supported the case for such a Task Force and, once further details are announced, look forward to reporting on its work and progress in the coming months.
Under the section ‘Improving Housing Quality’ (p226), the paper states:
“For older people trapped in non-decent or unsuitable accommodation, the UK Government will work to increase the choices available to them. A new Task Force will be launched shortly to look at ways better choice, quality and security of housing for older people can be provided, including how to address regional disparities in supply of appropriate and where necessary specialised housing.”
The White Paper also refers to the transformation that can be achieved utilising digital and smart technology, including improved broadband connectivity, energy efficient and low carbon/carbon free homes, something that last year’s TAPPI Inquiry (opens new window) highlighted.