Living with beauty: Promoting health, well-being and sustainable growth
This report by the independent Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission (see Terms of Reference) discusses how to promote and increase the use of high-quality design for new build homes and neighbourhoods. It sets out 8 priorities for reform, namely:
- Planning: create a predictable level playing field
- Communities: bring the democracy forward
- Stewardship: incentivise responsibility to the future
- Regeneration: end the scandal of left behind place
- Neighbourhoods: create places not just houses
- Nature: re-green our towns and cities
- Education: promote a wider understanding of placemaking
- Management: value planning, count happiness, procure properly
While there is emphasis on homes and neighbourhoods promoting a healthy lifestyle, there is no mention of how age-friendly housing, accessible or adaptable homes can enhance the wellbeing and quality of lives of older and disabled people. However, under stewardship, it does recognise the importance of community engagement and co-designing housing solutions to provide more accessible housing choices.