MHCLG Minister mentions an upcoming Royal Commission on Care

Following the absence of any reference to adult social care in this week’s King’s Speech, a government Minister has said that there will be a Royal Commission on Care, 25 years after the first one. 

The establishment of a new Royal Commission was recently reported in the national press; however, the timing of the news comes as a surprise the day after the King's Speech. Speaking at the LGA's Councillors Forum, MHCLG Minister - Jim McMahon MP - is said to have confirmed a Royal Commission will be established.

While we welcome a comprehensive review of paying for social care that a Royal Commission will bring, there is a pressing need to take urgent wider action, as highlighted by ADASS's spring survey on the state of adult social care. We also consider that any Commission should also take into account the Housing and Ageing Alliance manifesto and its' 15 point plan which looks beyond a narrow definition of care.

We therefore look forward to the formal announcement and seeing the Commission's Terms of Reference so we can provide the evidence to 'triplelock' care, health and housing.