Market Engagement Event for new supported living service of Brickfields, Brighton & Hove City Council

Brighton and Hove City Council is developing a new supported living service in Hove. The new development in Ingram Crescent, Hove will provide 28 self-contained flats for people with physical disability and acquired brain injury. The building will be wheelchair accessible throughout, have communal space and facilities for staff on site. The construction of the site is due to be completed in Spring 2026.
Following Market Engagement activities carried out in February 2021, the Commissioning team warmly invite potential support providers and Registered Providers (landlord function) to take part in our Market Engagement Event for the support service. This is not an invitation to tender.
They wish to invite interested Registered Providers (landlord function) to a site visit which will be at 11am on Wednesday, 5th February 2025.
There will then be an in person event at Hove Town Hall from 1pm to 2.30pm for both Registered Providers and support providers. Unfortunately, refreshments and lunch will not be provided, so please bring your own. There is a coffee shop at the front of Hove Town Hall and nearby shops where you can buy lunch if needed.
The purpose of the event will be to:
- Share with you Brighton and Hove's strategic vision and priorities for the service
- Share Brighton and Hove's vision for the building and model of partnership working with a Registered Provider (landlord function)
- Update on the proposed procurement route and indicative timetable
- Foster connections between support providers and Registered Providers (landlord function)
- Discuss social value and sustainability priorities for the council
- Hear your views on the project and route going forward
A key element for the procurement of this service will be for a support provider and Registered Provider (landlord function) to be in a partnership. Support providers and Registered Providers (landlord function) will both be invited to this event with contact details shared afterwards. If you do not wish for your organisation’s details to be shared, please indicate this to the city council when registering.
Please note that attendance will be limited to one attendee per organisation. If your organisation fulfils both the support provider and landlord function, you may register two attendees for the Hove Town Hall afternoon session (with one attendee for the site visit).
Potential Registered Providers and support providers wishing to attend these events should express interest via email (to by 5pm on Thursday, 30th January. A registration form will then be sent and should be completed and returned by midday on Monday, 3rd February.
Any interested organisation with the experience, capability and capacity to deliver the ambition laid out in this PIN notice may register for this event. The detailed service requirements are still in development, and information gathered from this Market Event will inform the tender documentation.
Providers will be invited to attend future Market Engagement activities for this opportunity. It is intended that this event will be followed by a Market Briefing ahead of publication.