Measuring the Wellbeing and Fiscal Impacts of Housing for Older People

Homes England Measuring Social Value cover

These research findings from SQW for Homes England provide evidence on measuring social value in older people's housing. It is one of four reports commissioned by Homes England into social value.

Drawing on a range of published research, including the What Works Centre Wellbeing Framework and work undertaken by the Housing LIN, the report focuses on the measurement of the wellbeing impacts associated with the provision of homes specifically designed to meet the needs of older people. It also looked for evidence of fiscal savings that may be generated by providing these types of homes.

Of particular interest, the analysis suggests that, on average residents of age-restricted general market housing (retirement living or sheltered housing and extra Care housing or housing-with-care) reported higher life satisfaction scores than residents in general market housing. When monetised this equates to a value of between £4,318 and £5,264 per person.