More than 750,000 housing and social care customers could be reliant on outdated telecare technology by 2025


This briefing paper, ‘Digital Telecare: How ready are we for the digital switch? (opens new window)’, published by Appello, one of the UK’s leading technology enabled care service (TECS) providers, and the Housing LIN, painted an alarming picture for how the sector is reacting to the requirement to upgrade services, with only an estimated 25% (6,250) of housing developments adopting digital services by 2025.

Jeremy Porteus, CEO at the Housing LIN, commented: 

"The 2025 digital switchover is a significant moment in time for telecare services. Housing providers, both general and specialist including extra care housing, retirement living, or supported housing will need to be aware of the changes and how they can help their customers. It's important that the sector explores product development in smart housing, telecare and digital technology that supports service improvement and therefore transforms the delivery of at home care and support services and does so quickly."