New Housing LIN microsite shares resources based on the findings from the Diversity in Care Environments (DICE) research study

DICE Learning Resource Tool Cover

Hosted by the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN), the resources on these new Diversity in Care Environments (DICE) webpages are based on findings from DICE research study, conducted by the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, in collaboration with the International Longevity Centre-UK and the Housing LIN.

This webpage includes:

  • Short films explaining the study in more details.
  • A series of six podcasts about social inclusion, housing and the experiences of older people from socially diverse backgrounds.
  • Four vignettes (short fictional stories) developed by the DICE team to explore issues of social inclusion and equality in interviews with residents and staff of housing schemes.
  • A Learning Resource Tool to accompany the five podcast (Part 6 is about the DICE study) aimed at managers and staff working in housing schemes that provide care and support services for older people.
  • Project policy report and infographics published by ILC-UK that accompany the learning resource pack.

Jeremy Porteus, founder and Chief Executive of project partner, the Housing LIN, said:

“While the Housing LIN are thrilled to participate in this innovative project, real credit goes to the participants who shared their experience and the resilient project team for adapting to new ways of working and actively engaging throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

The findings of this research demonstrate the strong sense of belonging people have to their homes and local communities and the measures that can be taken to achieve greater inclusivity.”