New Evidence: Home adaptations have the power to reduce the incidence of falls and resulting hospital admissions

Do home adaptation interventions help to reduce emergency fall admissions cover

A new study has concluded that the national home adaptation service run by Care & Repair Cymru  (opens new window)(C&R Cymru) successfully identified older people at the highest risk of falling at home, and that the home adaptations subsequently installed reduced the risk of falls and resulting A&E attendance/ hospital admissions.

The research, led by the University of Swansea, involved examining the health data of more than 650,000 older adults (60 -95 years) living in Wales between 2010-2017 of whom 123,729 received the C&R Cymru home adaptation service.

Some of the key points made included that home adaptations help to reduce the trajectory of future falls, falls are associated with frailty severity and falls prevention should be prioritised.