New HAA blog - Homes fit for purpose for an ageing population, by Sarah Davies, CIH


In the latest Housing and Ageing Alliance members’ blog, Sarah Davis senior policy officer at the Chartered Institute of Housing makes the case for developing person centred approaches to making our homes fit for purpose for an ageing population in a time of climate change.

She looks at the urgency of improving homes for older people and the different agendas that social landlords must manage to achieve that, including:

  • The condition and quality of our homes is a known factor in health inequalities
  • Meeting the challenge of climate change
  • A new Decent Homes Standard?
  • Homes fit for us as we age

This blog is the latest in a series being produced by members of the Housing and Ageing Alliance, a collective of local and national organisations working together to bring about improvements to the housing and living conditions of older people.