New Housing LIN Viewpoint (No 105) - Housing to span the generations: A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol

Housing to span the generations A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol cover

This Housing LIN Viewpoint (No 105), written by Tony Watts, writer and co-founder of Age Action Alliance, describes a “21st Century Almshouse for Bristol” that may offer a way forward for intergenerational housing.

To coincide with Generations Working Together (opens new window)'s campaign to raise awareness for April's Global Intergenerational Week, Tony speaks with Bob Durie OBE who - having spent a lifetime in property - is looking to help pilot a new intergenerational housing project that he believes will do just that.

Tony will also be speaking at this year's Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas! The session, titled 'Last time movers and shakers: Market shaping older people's housing', will see the official launch of Shakespeare Martineau’s White Paper on housing for older people, ‘Moving On: Could later living be the answer to the housing crisis’.