New Housing LIN blog about housing and end of life care
For the Housing LIN’s latest guest blog Claire Henry MBE, Visiting Researcher University of Cambridge Palliative and End of Life Care research group and formerly Chief Executive, National Council of Palliative Care (NCPC), writes about how housing providers can give people more choice about where they die.
Around 500,000 a people a year die in the UK, and over 50% of those deaths are in hospitals. Yet, if given the choice, most people would prefer to die at home.
This blog examines what housing providers need to do in order to get people the care they need, and what improvements can be made to allow more people the option to die at home.
We worked closely with Claire at NCPC and are now delighted to be working jointly to put together a new compendium of practice on housing and end of life care. If you provide great housing and/or care at the end of life or have seen others do so we really want to hear from you. Please email us at: [Subject: ‘End of Life Care and Housing’ ].