New Housing LIN guest blog explains the background research that informed ARCO’s decision to redefine extra care housing

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Following ARCO's recent announcement on redefining extra care housing and Integrated Retirement Communities, this Housing LIN guest blog by their Executive Director, Michael Voges, explains the background research that informed their decision. 

He explains that ARCO has conducted both qualitative and quantitative market research with consumers over the last two years to combat the negative consequences associated with the proliferation of terms.

Michael will also be speaking at the Housing LIN Summit 2021 - A Festival of Ideas session on Housing in later life: improving choice by building a better offer. Drawing on latest research and policy, and the call in the Adult Social Care White Paper to incentivise a better range of housing options, this session explores examples of innovative practice to create aspirational places to attract people to ‘rightsize’ thereby improving their housing choices in later life.