New Resources to raise awareness of housing and health links

It was produced by housing charity, Care & Repair England, whose Healthy Homes project has been pioneering cross sector housing and health training, particularly focussing on older people living in the general housing stock (see (opens new window) ).

The package includes a short film focusing on what older people themselves have to say about how their home impacts on their health plus support materials: Key questions to encourage discussion and debate, Facts and Figures, Policy Summary, Self Training Toolkit, Website Links, Checklists and Planning Tools.

The materials would be useful in a range of settings, including group service commissioning meetings, cross sector training and group sessions, and for the CPD of individual workers. The package is also aimed at lecturers who are training the next generation of health sector staff.

It is free and available as a DVD or CD Rom. To order a copy contact us at Please reference your message "Healthy Homes", state your preferred format (CD Rom or DVD) and provide your name, title and full postal address including postcode.