New Year, New Case Study! Middlesbrough Staying Put agency's experience with Trusted Assessor training

Case Study 170 TACT cover

Written for the Housing LIN by Janet Seward, Partnerships Manager at TACT (Trusted Assessing and Care Training) Ltd, this case study (no.170) shares Middlesbrough Staying Put's experience with TACT Ltd to provide Trusted Assessor training accredited by OCN London in line with the national qualification for Trusted Assessor. 

Discover what Middlesbrough Staying Put, a leading regional home improvement agency in the North East of England, found, including numerous positive by-products of the Trusted Assessor model that people may not initially consider.

You may also be interested in these upcoming TACT courses: 

Trusted Assessor: Assessing for Minor Adaptations (level three) (opens new window)

  • February 13th & 14th, Bridgend
  • February 20th & 21st, London
  • March 19th & 20th, Newcastle
  • March 20th & 21st, Warwick

Trusted Assessor: Assessing and Adapting the Home (level four) (opens new window)

  • March 13th & 14th, Warwick
  • March 19th & 20th, London
  • March 25th & 26th, Bridgend
  • April 23rd & 24th, Newcastle

Members of Housing LIN who book with TACT before January 26th can save 10%!