New report: Investigation into supported housing

Investigation into support housing cover

This report, published by the National Audit Office, sets out the facts on how the supported housing system in England works and government oversight of the sector. It outlines: 

  • the types of supported housing;
  • central and local government spending on supported housing;
  • the number of people living in supported housing;
  • the central and local oversight;
  • the regulation;
  • and the government’s current and proposed actions to improve supported housing.

This investigation was prepared in response to correspondence from members of Parliament raising concerns about short-term supported housing.

Ian Copeman, Business Director, Housing LIN said:

"We welcome the NAO’s report; the evidence presented confirms the current position and issues in the supported housing sector. We look forward to continuing to work with policy makers, commissioners and housing & support providers in relation to the commissioning and proposed regulation of supported housing."