One in every eight residents in housing providing care have witnessed discrimination from other residents, according to new research

Cover ILC Inclusive Neighbourhoods

The Diversity in Care Environments (DICE) study was a three year-study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and hosted by the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol in collaboration with International Longevity Centre-UK and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network.

This study policy report presents new research evidence on the provision of inclusive housing schemes for older people and identifies some of the ways in which this isolation and discrimination can be countered in housing with care schemes, including on-site staff presence; inclusion with the local area; listening to the views of residents; and adequate Government funding.

Jeremy Porteus, founder and Chief Executive of project partner, the Housing LIN, said:

“While the Housing LIN are thrilled to participate in this innovative project, real credit goes to the participants who shared their experience and the resilient project team for adapting to new ways of working and actively engaging throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

The findings of this research demonstrate the strong sense of belonging people have to their homes and local communities and the measures that can be taken to achieve greater inclusivity.”

Find further information on the DICE project, including a series of podcasts capturing the voices of project participants.