Openreach announces the extension of the digital switchover timeline

The Digital Reality cover

In the near future, the historic analogue network, used to make most phone calls from our landlines and used for broadband, will have reached the end of its life. A new digital phone network is taking its place. The new network will provide a future proofed, more reliable, and dependable broadband service that will support the UK for decades to come.

For this reason, it is vital for organisations providing telecare services to ensure they understand how their existing solutions could be impacted by the All-IP programme and the withdrawal of traditional telephone lines. 

Today, Openreach announces a revision in the deadline for this transformation, extending it from the initial target of 31 December 2025, to 31 January 2027. Although this provides more time to prepare, knowing where to go for help and advice is still an issue for many.

As outlined in the Digital Switchover White Paper - “The Digital Reality” - there is an urgent need for all housing and care providers to upgrade analogue grouped and dispersed systems, due to the digital switchover programme. 

This White Paper supported by Everon and Housing LIN with contributions from Openreach, BT, TSA and Eseye, shares: 

  • The risks for buyers and service users.
  • The opportunities of digital for housing and care providers.
  • Detailed Q&A with practical tips.
  • Case studies of those on the digital journey.

You can also read this article by TSA (opens new window) - the voice of Technology Enabled Care - that outlines the implications of this extension and the necessary steps telecare service providers must take to adapt effectively.