Realising the value: Ten key actions to put people and communities at the heart of health and wellbeing
This is the final report of the Realising the Value programme, an 18-month programme funded by NHS England and led by Nesta and the Health Foundation. The programme was set up to support the NHS Five Year Forward View vision to develop a new relationship with people and communities. The programme sought to enable the health and care system to support people to have the knowledge, skills and confidence to play an active role in managing their own health and to work with communities and their assets.
This report sets out the key learning and recommendations from the programme, based on what we think it means to realise fully the value of people and communities at the heart of health and wellbeing - a 'social model of health' that combines a deep understanding of what matters to people, with excellent clinical care, timely data, and strong, sustained social support. By drawing together the evidence, this report also shows the differences that person- and community-centred approaches can make.