Report reveals the reasons preventing people from moving into homes that are the "right size".

Right place, right home, right size cover

Tyfu Tai Cymru (TTC) is a five-year housing policy project funded by the Oak Foundation which aims to provide insightful analysis and fill evidence gaps to support policy progression.

This research, undertaken for North Wales working group by the Tyfu Tai Cymru team in 2020, focused on the reasons preventing people from moving into home that are the “right size” ” despite their current homes being too big or too small utilising insights from professionals, tenants and the existing literature to propose areas of future focus for the group to work collaboratively on progressing.

Using a mixed method approach (including literature review, survey of tenants and staff, and semi-structured focus group discussions), a number of threads emergence from the evidence. And whilst some of the challenges highlighted are those which will take large-scale change to national policy to resolve, there are some areas that seem ripe for new/additional collaboration, as discussed further in the report.