Scottish Housing Day 2022: A Case for new sustainable housing standard

Scottish Housing Day 2022 A Case for new sustainable housing standard cover

Scottish Housing Day is an annual event aimed at encouraging discussion on a particular challenge or issue in the housing sector, as well as encouraging the sector and members of the public to get involved by organising events, Q&A sessions, and sharing stories and blogs via social media.

To coincide, the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland published "Scottish Housing Day 2022: A Case for new sustainable housing standard", a new report that sets out the case for new, more ambitious cross-tenure housing standards but also notes the need for government to have a key role in funding these new higher standards.

Scottish Housing Day is delivered in partnership with Aberdeen Citywide Multistorey Group, the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO), CIH Scotland, Citizens Advice Scotland, Existing Homes Alliance Scotland (EHA), Homes for Scotland, Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL), Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), the Scottish Government, TPAS Scotland, Under one Roof and Wheatley Group.