'Specialist Housing, Specialised Solutions' post-conference report
With special thanks to Henley Healthcare Homes for their sponsorship, I along with our Housing LIN regional leads for the South East and South West are pleased to provide you with a post conference report of the inaugural Extra Care Housing event held on 1 May at the Mercure Hotel, Swindon (opens new window).
The event took a panoramic view of the policy and practice landscape to get a better picture of the future direction of housing, care and support for older people. And with high profile speakers and plenty of opportunity for debate and questions amongst the 100+ Housing LIN members, the conference also focussed in on the "burning issues" facing the region. In particular, in relation to predicting future demand and supply, inward investment opportunities, examples of innovative practice, affordability and budget cuts, and forging new partnerships with the private sector and across housing, health and social care.
A full account of the day with links to presentations and relevant accompanying resources, along with the Housing LIN's vision for developing a regional Manifesto and realising our ambition, can now be found at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ArchivedEvents/ArchivedHousingEventDetail/?eventID=766
There was plenty of positive feedback, including "Best Housing LIN meeting I have attended. I hope this becomes an annual event". Subject to funding, we certainly would like to do this!
We are therefore also grateful to our headline sponsors (SEQOL, Leadbitter and Pozzoni) along with exhibitors who all contributed to making the day a success.
Stay connected with the Housing LIN for the latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.
We trust that you find this post conference report of interest.