Technology Enabling Care – Understanding Attitudes to Technology

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The TEC Action is a group of organisations who believe technology can play an enabling role in the lives of people who use social care and supports. 

We want to understand how this is best designed and delivered to support people in their everyday lives. By technology, we mean everything from your phone, computer and smart meter to specialist support technology for health and care.

We believe that people with lived and learned experience of using care and support services are best placed to inform how technology can support them in their lives.

We want to understand how you use technology in your everyday life. This in turn will help us understand how technology can best support people in the social care sector.  

If you are a person who draws on care services or a family caregiver or frontline staff member, please complete this short survey (opens new window).

The deadline for this survey is Monday, 6 February 2023. The findings will be included in a report we are publishing in March.