Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI) - TAPPI 2: From Principles to Implementation
Following the successful publication of the 'Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation' (TAPPI) Inquiry report in October 2021, we are delighted to announce the launch of TAPPI Phase 2 funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust (DMT) and supported by the Housing LIN and TEC Services Association (TSA).
TAPPI Phase 2 will ensure that the evidence gathered by the Inquiry in Phase 1 is built upon and used to create widely accepted Framework which embeds the recommended TAPPI Principles within a transformational change programme. This will be achieved by developing and testing supportive guidance and tools in four live “locality testbeds”.
We hope that these can then be used as “exemplars” to catalyse nationwide adoption through engagement from the “ground up”.
Call for proposals for Co-production and Engagement partner
Co-production is one of TAPPI’s key principles. The programme will be co-produced with stakeholders in the four successful locations over a 12-15-month period.
To support the delivery of the programme DMT are seeking applications for a Co-Production and Engagement Partner to work with us and the locality testbeds to ensure the views of people who draw on services both current and future, their families and carers and housing organisations are reflected in the programme and the Framework.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 18 March 2022 at 5:00pm. Apply for funding here (opens new window).
In mid-March, DMT will also be opening a call for an Evaluation and Shared Learning Partner. Further details on how to apply will be shared with Housing LIN members in due time.
Join us for the formal launch of TAPPI 2
We will be formally launching TAPPI 2 at the TEC Services Association (TSA) ITEC Conference on Tuesday, 29 March and opening a funding call for organisations who wish to be considered to be a Locality Testbed.
The Housing LIN has secured their members a 40% discount on attendance fees at ITEC2022.
Register to attend and claim your discount here (opens new window).